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Bread for Martha

James Gop

Few things are as beautiful as watching the sun rise over mountains or traveling past a herd of deer enjoying their morning breakfast. This sounds like I was camping on a mountainside while enjoying the sights, however, I was driving into New York City on the Taconic State Parkway. Despite the gentle rattle of my mill and mason jars filled with grains, it’s a relatively quiet morning with not many cars on the road. As always when taking the Taconic its the calm before the storm.

What started me on this journey and why do you care to read this you ask? Martha Stewart, of course.

The closer I get to the city the herds of deer now turn into herds of motorized vehicles with heavy gas pedals that appear to have faulty turn signals.

I arrive in New York and luckily find a parking spot right across from my destination. I unfold a small cart and begin loading it to the brim with peach crates of fresh baked breads, my cast iron mill, mason jars with grains, sourdough starter and even a wheat berry coffee.

The street is old and ain’t what it used to be. My objective is to get the cart across the road without getting run down by the dozens of box trucks that are flying by. Doesn’t seem like rocket science, I know, however when there is a hump that rivals that of a camels back that you have to push a 200 lb cart over, thats another story. Also, I believe the cart was rated for 100 lbs…

Well, proof of me typing this tells you I made it. I arrived and was greeted by my friend Erika who sat with me in the waiting room and gave the details of what will happen. In between segments, Martha walked out and began examining my props. I was informed upon my arrival that I would be the last guest to shoot for the season. Knowing this, I promptly stood up and made my way over to Martha. I said “Hi my name is James. I just wanted to let you know that I am your last guest and not to worry, I will take it easy on you”. Martha, quick as ever replied “Well, don’t worry - I won’t be taking it easy on you”. She slightly pivoted on her high heels and causally walked away. GAME ON!

Moments later I was getting mic’d up, fussing with the breads and basking in the light of the queen. The next steps are detailed in the following video below.

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